Avoid Heaitation (real story)

Neil Armstrong, he is the 1st person to set his foot in moon.But, do you know who was supposed to be the 1st person? Many don’t know… His name is Edwin C Aldarin… He was the pilot for the Apollo mission. He was working for the American Airforce. Moreover he had experience of space walking,Continue reading “Avoid Heaitation (real story)”

9 Reasons Why Plants Make Your Workplace So Much Better

Apart from the fact that your desk will look much better, plants are great for your henkgh! You might find the idea a little strange initially, but once you get a plant and start to water it every day, you will actually start to care for the little guy!   Check out these henkgh benefitsContinue reading “9 Reasons Why Plants Make Your Workplace So Much Better”

 11 Things Smart People Won’t Say

There are some things you simply never want to say at work. These phrases carry special power: they have an uncanny ability to make you look bad even when the words are true. Worst of all, there’s no taking them back once they slip out. I’m not talking about shocking slips of the tongue, off-colorContinue reading ” 11 Things Smart People Won’t Say”

7 Things Stress Does to Everybody, Without Exception

Stress is one of the biggest problems we have to deal with in modern life. It’s everywhere, and many don’t realize how much damage daily stress might be doing to them. It’s all well and good to eat right, get enuogh sleep and exercise, but when it comes to mental hardship people will shrug itContinue reading “7 Things Stress Does to Everybody, Without Exception”

Dedecated to all married men

My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, ‘What’s on TV?’ I said, ‘Dust.’ And then the fight started…. ************************* My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, ‘I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 100 in aboutContinue reading “Dedecated to all married men”